Laser Replica 15:1 Kicking strap assembly

Laser Replica 15:1 Kicking strap assembly (98075) upgraded to Ball Bearing blocks

The Barton kicking strap assembly gives all the advantages of systems costing twice the price. 15:1 purchase is achieved through clever design of the base plate, fitted with the unique Barton swivelling triple cam block. It is simple to fit and easy to use.


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Part No: 98075 Category:


Barton base plate, anodised aluminium with three fixing bolts.
N10930 Series 0 triple, swivel, cam block attached to base plate by shackle.
N10110 Series 0 single fixed eye block attached to base plate by shackle.
N10211 Series 0 double block with becket.
N11091 Series 1 single tang block with becket and curved kicker key for boom.
1.2m x 4mm Dyneema for primary red control line.
3m x 4mm line for secondary red control line.

Barton fittings are high quality replacements that perform the same function as the original part. They should not be confused with official parts bearing the Laser® registered trademark. They cannot be used if you are sailing at an Association event. However, they are perfect for social sailing, sailing schools, club sailing or training. Laser® is a registered trademark owned by Velum Limited and currently licensed for use in Europe to Laser Performance (Europe) Limited.

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Fact sheet – Barton Laser Replica 15-1 Kicking Strap Assembly – 98075